CHAPTER 4 – Audio-Visual
4.1 Collection Development
4.2 Collection Management
4.3 Gifts and Donations
4.4 Ordering and Previewing
4.5 Reserve Materials
4.6 Circulation
4.1 Collection Development
Purpose: To acquire, house, and provide access to a collection of audiovisual materials in multiple formats.
The audiovisual collection covers a broad range of topics relating to the college curriculum, which are supported by the library’s Collection Development Policy. Materials are intended for on-site use and short-term loan privileges to faculty, staff, and students.
Materials are usually purchased to support instruction. Entertainment films and videos, unless used to support classroom instruction, are not purchased without appropriate explanation of how it will benefit students, but they may be accepted as gifts. Selections are made with recommendations from faculty and staff. The following factors may be considered in selecting titles and formats for purchases:
• Curricular relevance
• Balance within existing collection/amount of similar material in collection
• Preview by faculty
• Accuracy, currency of production
• Anticipated use
• Cost consideration and funding available
4.2 Collection Management
Storing and preserving the audiovisual materials is a continuous process. The libraries protect the collection against theft and misuse through various security techniques.
Weeding the audiovisual collection is a necessary process in order to maintain quality, currency, and usefulness of titles. The weeding criteria include: worn or damaged formats, being superseded by another version or format, review by faculty and/or staff for curricular relevancy, and use statistics
4.3 Gifts and Donations
All gifts are accepted in accordance with the library’s gift policy. Gift and donations become the property of the Gaston College Libraries, and the Director of Library Services will determine the usefulness and suitability for adding to the collection. Classic feature films and documentaries, as well as productions made at or about Gaston College, will be accepted.
4.4 Ordering and Previewing
The library staff encourages participation in the selection of audiovisual materials for the collection. Recommendations for purchase are handled through the Secretary/Library Technician. When requests are received, a bibliographic search is completed in order to avoid duplication. An effort should be made to furnish complete information necessary for purchase, such as the phone number and address of the producer/distributor. In general, the library purchases material with a copyright date within the last five (5) years.
Resources ordered with library funds are cataloged and housed in the library. Circulation rules apply to these materials.
4.5 Reserve Materials
Audiovisual materials can be set aside for students to ensure that suitable materials are available to them for required or recommended assignments. The library will also accept, but cannot be responsible for, personally owned materials.
Checkout period is determined by instructor. Instructors usually opt for “in house use only” to ensure that all students have equal opportunity to make use of materials.
4.6 Circulation
Selected audiovisual materials are circulated for a period of seven (7) days to faculty, staff, and students.
Page last updated April 26, 2024