Building Evacuation
Note: Any person is authorized to pull a building emergency (fire) alarm in any situation that, in his or her best judgment, requires urgent evacuation notification to others in the building.
- When a building alarm sounds (or when told to evacuate by any authorized personnel), walk quickly and calmly to the nearest exit. Persons who refuse to cooperate with a building emergency evacuation will be subject to disciplinary action by the college.
- Take essential personal possessions with you (e.g., car keys, glasses, purse, and medications).
- Assist disabled persons. Do not move injured persons unless there is an imminent threat to their lives. If an injured person’s life is in danger, move him or her only as far as necessary for safety (usually the nearest stairway landing or ground floor exit). Do not use elevators in case of fire – they can become inoperable, which may result in serious injury or death.
- Once outside, move to your designated building assembly location. (evacuation locations) Check in with a member of your department or instructor.
- Stay away from building entrances and any emergency vehicle access areas until the all-clear is given.
- Do not reenter a building until the emergency alarm is silenced and the responding officer notifies you that it is safe to reenter.