Blackboard Login
Select one of the following to log-in to Blackboard
Curriculum Student
A curriculum student is a student who is seeking an Associate Degree, Diploma, or Certificate.
Initial Password: If you applied and were accepted on February 21, 2023 or before, your default password is GC# and your 7 digit Gaston College ID number. (ex. GC#0123456). If you applied and were accepted on February 22, 2023 or after, your default password is GC ## your 7-digit GastonCollege ID GC##. There are no spaces and GC should be capitalized. (ex. GC##0123456GC##).
Continuing Education Student
Username: 7-Digit College ID# (i.e. 0123456)
Initial Password: 7-Digit College ID# (i.e. 0123456)
If you need assistance logging in to Blackboard, please follow the Student Login Instructions.