Do you plan to transfer to a four-year college or university upon graduation from Gaston College? Completing an associate degree at Gaston College before transferring to a four-year university is advantageous.

  Graduates of Associate in Arts (AA), Associate in Science (AS), Associate in Engineering (AE), Associate in Fine Arts in Visual Arts (AFA-VA), Associate in Arts Teacher Preparation (AATP), Associate in Science Teacher Preparation (ASTP), and Associate in General Education – Nursing (AGE-N) degree programs who have made a C or better in each class will be considered to have fulfilled the institution-wide, general education requirements of the University of North Carolina (UNC) schools and select private/independent colleges in North Carolina and will be admitted with Juniors status.

  There are some Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree programs that are accepted by specific bachelor’s degree programs at select four-year institutions that allow similar guarantees.

See below for details regarding articulation agreements and co-admission agreements that can help you have a smooth transfer process.

University Transfer

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Did you know you can transfer to 45 four-year institutions (public and private/independent) in North Carolina that will accept your transferable Gaston College course credits?

  There are agreements between these institutions that help protect all or some of your Gaston College credits; this is dependent on which associate degree program you complete. When you meet with your Gaston College Academic Advisor you can discuss more about which associate degree program may be best for you.

In North Carolina, we have many four-year institutions to consider for your bachelor’s degree program. There are two main types of institutions that you can consider in NC:

 University of North Carolina (UNC) System institutions

  • public in-state institutions
  • total of 17 across the state, with 16 offering bachelor’s degrees or higher
  • learn about transferring as an NC Community College student here

North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities (NCICU)

  • private and independent in-state institutions
  • total of 36 across the state, 35 offering bachelor’s degrees or higher, 30 participating in the ICAA regarding transfer credits (see below)
  • The biggest Myth about these institutions
    • The thinking that they cost more to attend than public in-state institutions…this is not always the case.
    • You will never know how much it costs to attend any institution until you have applied to the institutions, completed your FAFSA, been accepted, and received your financial aid award letter from the institutions.

State Articulation Agreements to Help Ease Transfer Process

The North Carolina Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA) is a statewide agreement governing the transfer of credits between North Carolina (NC) community colleges and N.C. public universities. Transfer of credits between NC Community Colleges and select North Carolina private/independent colleges is governed by The North Carolina Independent Articulation Agreement (ICAA).

There are also some Uniform Articulation Agreements (UAA) for specific programs offered at Gaston College to certain bachelor degree programs at both the UNC System and NCICU institutions. 

Gaston College also has specific associate degree program agreements with specific bachelor degree program majors at a four-year institution. These agreements are referred to as Bilateral Articulation Agreements (BAA). The link for these agreements is coming soon!

A great place to start researching and learning more about transfer is talking with your Gaston College Academic Advisor and exploring – Transfer Student Planner.

Transfer Admission Guarantees (TAG) Co-Admission Agreements – A Step and Guarantee Beyond the Comprehensive Articulation Agreements

Gaston College has partnered with several four-year colleges and universities to create Transfer Admission Guarantees (TAG) program agreements which smooth the transfer pathway for students and strengthen the transfer relationship between institutions. Most TAG Co-Admission programs provide students early access and connection to the university advisors, faculty, financial aid counselors, and student life staff during their studies at the community college leading to direct entry admission to the university upon completion of their transfer degree.

For more details, about TAG Co-Admission agreements, click here or use the link on the left.