Occupational Training
Business and Industry Training Services
The Customized Training Program provides education, training, and support services for new, expanding, and existing businesses and industries in North Carolina. Our goal is to foster and support three key aspects of your company’s well-being:
• Job Growth
• Technology Investment
• Productivity Enhancement
The Customized Training Program is designed to make a difference in your bottom line, whether your organization is creating jobs, investing in new machinery and equipment, or streamlining processes for efficiency.
The Customized Training Program resources support training needs assessment, instructional design, development, and delivery. We create customized learning solutions for the business and industry’s workforce needs. Flexibility in course development is the key to training a skilled workforce. Customized Training Program will create success for your company and your employees by quickly responding to industry’s changing skills needs.
Small Business Center
The Small Business Center Network provides how to seminars at no charge, resource centers, and one-on-one counseling for small business owners and prospective owners. To view the schedule of upcoming SBC Seminars, see click here. The Start-A-Biz web site provides information and resources on starting a small business.
Human Resources Development
The Human Resources Development (HRD) program provides skill assessment services, employability skills training, and career development counseling to unemployed and underemployed adults.
Career Readiness Certification
The Career Readiness Certification (CRC) is an assessment-based credential that gives employers and career seekers a uniform measure of key workplace skills. Currently, job seekers and incumbent workers are increasingly called upon to demonstrate a more advanced set of skills – or at least the ability to develop those skills through on-the-job training.
North Carolina ’s Career Readiness Certification (CRC) is designed to meet the needs of both employers and job seekers in this transitioning economy.
• For employers, the CRC offers a reliable means of determining whether a potential employee has the necessary literacy, numeracy and problem solving skills to be “job ready.”
• For job seekers, the CRC serves as a portable credential that can be more meaningful to employers than a high school degree or a resume citing experience in a different job setting.
The CRC is based upon WorkKeys, a nationally recognized, skills assessment tool developed by ACT Inc.