Getting Started
Let's Get Started!
Find your Employee ID.
Your Employee ID Number is generated once you apply to Gaston College (if you were previously a student) or are employed. Your Employee ID Number is seven-digits and is located on your pay stub. You may also locate your Employee ID Number by logging into Self-Service. Your Employee ID Number is used to access “in person” services such as walk-up services in Technology Services and other campus departments.
Your Network / Active Directory Login, which is also referred to as your Active Directory Login, is used to access campus and office computers, the GC wireless network, e-mail , Help Desk, GCNet (Employees Only) and Blackboard.
Check your Faculty / Staff E-Mail account.
Access your e-mail account right away to make sure you are on track and have received the latest campus information. Remember that we will send electronic communications to your employee e-mail address. You can sign into your Faculty / Staff e-mail using your Network / Active Directory Login for your username and the default password which will be provided by your supervisor.
Start using Self-Service.
Self-Service is an online system used to access your employee information as well as courses, rosters, record attendance, student profile information, etc.
Connect your laptop or other portable device to the GC WiFi Network.
GC Faculty, Staff and Curriculum Students are able to gain access to the GC Wireless Network by logging into the system using their Network / Active Directory Login username and password.
Help Desk
The Technology Services Help Desk is there to assist faculty/staff with requests for audio, computer or website needs. (Use your Network / Active Directory login credentials.)