
Below you will find a list of resources that may be helpful in planning your next steps as far as college, career, financial literacy, and more. 


Gaston College’s CCP Program allows eligible high school students to enroll in college classes at Gaston College. Students can earn college credit they can take with them after graduation. In many cases, students can also earn dual credit – meeting high school graduation requirements with college courses. CCP offers high school students options to pursue educational and career goals of their choice through the following opportunities:

1.  College Transfer Pathways
2.  Career and Technical Education Pathways
3.  Workforce Continuing Education Pathway
4.  Cooperative Innovative High School Program (Gaston Early College High School)


Additional Resources

NC Public School System
Information on the University of North Carolina System’s 17 campuses.

Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

College Foundation North Carolina (CFNC) 
Resource for parents and students to begin exploring possible colleges, majors, careers, scholarships and more!

Gaston College Upward Bound Student Testimonials & More
Videos of student testimonials, student cinematography and more. 


Evaluation Forms:

If you are a Gaston College Upward Bound student, parent, or recently became an alumni, please fill out the survey below to provide us with feedback on your experience and how we may improve our program.

Student Survey

Parent Survey

Alumni Survey

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