Support Criteria
Participation in the program is completely voluntary and available to students interested in achieving their academic goals of graduating or transferring within four years of entering the program.
Students are eligible to participate in TRiO SSS if they are:
- U.S. Citizens or Indigenous Americans, or meet the residency requirements for full, allowable federal financial assistance and hold a high school diploma or equivalency, and
- One of the following identities:
- First generation college student (Parents/Guardians did not earn a 4-year degree)
- Low income student
- A student with a documented disability
And are also:
- Planning to graduate from Gaston College, and
- Have an academic need, and
- Have a high school diploma or equivalency, and
- Have a 2.0 as a GC student or recent high school graduate, and
- Have not already earned a degree/certificate.
Acceptance into the program is based on an application process, where only 140 students can be accepted. To apply, please stop by the TRiO SSS Center to pick up an application and speak with a staff member. You can also apply online. The TRiO Center is located in Robinson Classroom Building, Room 239.
For more information about TRiO Programs, please visit the Department of Education TRiO Home Page.